Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Can you even imagine...

That handsome young lad you see in the picture above is my friends son Antowaine.   He is 8 years old going on 16.   Yesterday I found him on the houseboat reading my book,  Well at least he was reading the cartoons at the start of every chapter.   He was so into it, I had to laugh.   It made me wonder what differences my life would have made if I had learned some of the book lessons at a young age?

Oh, and now Antowaine (and my friends) want me to write a childrens book.  Apparently they feel that because I'm so in touch with my inner child it would be a short leap for me to write for kids?   Antowaine feels my cartoon hero should be based on him and as for the smart ass girl?   He has a lot of candidates in his class who could qualify.    Maybe....

"It's not my inner child I worry about losing contact with, it's my outer adult"