Monday, August 30, 2010

Confessions of a Seducer

"I'm a seducer not a fighter"

One if the most persistent metaphors for success, is that of a warrior.  It sure sounds noble to charge out there and conquer life. To overcome every obstacle and defeat any foe.   To never back down from a fight.  Through sheer will, to impose your intentions on the world.  To make life, submit to you.  The problem is that for me and most of you, it just doesn't work.  For we are the lovers not the fighters.  The good news is....

"it is far easier and a lot more fun, to seduce life, than it is to try and conquer it"

As epiphany's go, this is one my seduce life.   I'm a big fan of seduction.  The whole idea gets me jumping and pumping with joy.   To seduce something or someone, is to get what you want given to you freely and lovingly.   Admit it, wouldn't it be great to have success and happiness, given to you, instead of having to take it or conquer something?   Now that is a seductive thought!

"nothing is good, bad or funny, but thinking makes it so"

Before all of you warriors come looking to impose your will on me, know this.   I am ok with you guys.   I really don't care how you conduct your affairs.  It's just not for me and my tribe.   While you are out conquering your worlds, we seducers will be out seducing ours.

"warriors compete and seducers create"

To a warrior, life is a competition, that they must win at all costs.   To a seducer, life is a game that is to enjoyed and savoured, win or lose.   To a warrior, happiness is delayed and then celebrated with every victory.   To a seducer, happiness is in the process, it's a game silly!  Sure there is an extra jump for joy in the winning of our intended.   However, it would be a hollow victory, if the game (life) was not enjoyable.   What would be the point?

"what would it benefit us, if we conquered the world, but didn't have any fun doing it"

Seducers don't see the point in delayed happiness.   That would be like delaying sex until you got old!  Life is too important to be taken seriously.  Warriors as you know, are very serious on the road to victory, seducers not so much.  In fact seriousness is terminal to our happiness.   If you do see us being serious, it is probably just a game we are playing to mess with a warriors mind.   (Big secret....we love messing with warrior's heads)

"life is the only game, where everyone get's to make up their own rules"

The reason so many people think they need to be warriors, is because that is what they were taught by well meaning; parents, teachers and self-help guru's.  It is one way to win, but it is not the only way.   I will attempt to show you an alternative, that is more fun and a lot easier.   Great seducers love the idea, that they get to make up the rules and amp up the fun.   Seducer's love surprise and unpredictability because as my friend John Crocker says...they are as flexible as a breeze!

"you deserve pleasant surprises and gifts, so that is what I promise"

Like most of us, you were probably taught, that life is hard and difficult....and then you die.   It is time for a change of pace and direction.   Time you joined us seducers, who believe that life was meant to be fun, easy and over-flowing with abundance.   You choose...

P.S.   When I use the term seducer, I mean it as both a male and female description.   It would be just too cumbersome to keep referring to   seducer/seductress.   (and I am far too lazy for that)

pssst...if you really like this stuff or if you just want to annoy your friends,   just click on the Facebook button below and help me spread the word.  Or failing that, you can buy me a beer (I'd be cool with that too)

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