Thursday, February 21, 2013

The seductive sound that sells

The seductive sound that can make you wealthier and more persuasive

"The sweetest sound to our ears is our name"
The biggest lesson I've ever learned about being persuasive is to put the focus on the other person and not yourself. And that's why using the other person names is so vital to being heard. We love the sound of our own name when it is spoken by others.
So is it enough to just use the other persons name frequently in all forms of communication? No, how you use it can increase its effectiveness. So here is a valuable tip I've learned....
"make sure you end all conversations and written communications with the persons name"
Doing this ensures that whatever is being said has a better chance of being remembered and being believable. So instead of ending a conversation with a quick 'bye' or 'talk to you later' try ending it with the persons name. For example..."it was great talking to you Rick" or "lets chat again soon Ashley". And even better is to end a conversation with a request.  So as you are shaking hands good bye say...."great to meet you again and do you mind if I touch base with you again next week Mary?"

 Most of us are good at first impressions but poor at last impressions. And because of that its easy to stand out by just adding the persons name at the end of the conversation or communication. So make you bye as good as you hi.
Using a persons name also softens the blow of criticism. It makes the other person feel like more than just an employee if you ended a criticism with something like..."I'm sure you understand the importance of making this change and will do your best to do what's necessary Bill".
And sometimes its best to not put your name at the bottom of the email. They know that the message is from you so why not just end it on their name. If you want you could put your initials but even that is not necessary. Better to just end it with the sweetest sound to their ears....their name!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Being persuasive is fun and easy if you know this stuff

Powerful persuasion tips that you should know

Imagine that you are at this tropical beach. It is a beautiful hot day with a gentle breeze off of the ocean. You are warm, relaxed and peaceful. The sun feels sooo good on your body. You are totally contented and happy. Swaying gently in your hammock the thought occurs to you, if I have any problems I can't remember them. Live is good and you are at total peace with yourself in this warm tropical paradise.

Now think about me the writer (that would be me). How do you feel about my personality? Odds are that if you really allowed yourself to imgine being in that hammock on the beach that you will feel better about me also. Just by imagining being warm and relaxed improves your feelings about me or anyone else you immediately come into contact with.

So why am I telling you this? Because the feeling of warmth is very seductive. If you want to persuade someone to your point of view or buy your product or service you should always try to warm them up first. This is a persuasion technique called priming. It is priming you with a good feeling before introducing any request.

I'm not saying that you should bring them pictures of tropical beaches (but it might help). There are many ways to warm up a person. Here are a few...

Give them a hot drink. Researchers found that even just holding a hot drink (without drinking it) caused people to feel warmer towards others. They also found that when people were given a hot drink they became more generous and more likely to give to others. So you want your sweetie to do something for you, give them a hot drink first.

A warm handshake warms up you both. Now if you live in a cold climate location you need to ensure that you warm up your hands before shaking hands with someone. If you are going to introduced to someone and if you can discretely warm up your hands you are going to perceived much better. Just rub your hands together rapidly. They won't know why but they will instantly feel a closer bond with you by shaking a warm hand. Cool huh?
TIP.....Imagine you are about to meet someone. Just before you are introduced you are holding a hot cup of coffee in your hands. When you go to shake hands yours will be nice and warm. Sub consciously the other person will just assume you to be a warm person. That first impression is so powerful and research says...lasting. Try it!

Who doesn't love a good hug? Sadly there are a very few who don't like to be touched but not many. The problem is its not a good idea to hug people you just met in a business situation. But if you are going to persuade someone you know and you can safely hug them they will melt in agreement. Just thinking about this makes me want a hug?
I know a business lady who hugs her clients when they meet. They love her and wouldn't dream of taking their business elesewhere. Because...
"When you earn your business with the best price, product or might lose that business if someone else has a bertter price, product or service. But if they really like really have to screw up before they go elsewhere"

A great smile will warm any heart. You've got it so use it! It's darn near impossible to resist returning a great smile.

Warm words. Reaserchers found that when bell hops went to carry bags from a room for guests that if they mentioned it was a beautiful sunny day their tips increased. Just talking about a sunny day was enough to warm up the other person. So words matter. Oh, by the way did I mention its going to be a beautiful sunny day today? And how would you feel about buying me a Baileys and coffee?

And finally....

That's right....its good to have beautiful sunny images to warm up you and your clients. Researchers have found that just by looking at pictures like the one above it also makes you more creative. So right now my desktop background picture is that one.

Now that I've warmed you up to my ideas, would you like to buy a great book?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The more you give the more you it true?

"You can always tell a true friend. When you've made a fool of yourself she doesn't think you've done a pernament job"

If you were to ask me, what is the one principle to live by that will make your life fun, easy and abundant? I would say surround yourself with givers. Having friends who are givers is the cherry on top of life's meaning.

5 Benefits of having givers as friends (there are many more of course)

1. There is no such thing as it's my turn. No need to keep track of who did what because givers love giving.

2. Givers give off positive energy. Their positive energy lifts you up and makes you feel good about yourself.

3. Givers make you want to be a better person.

4. Givers are happy people and that happiness can be contagious.

5. Someone always has your back. Just knowing that when you stumble someone will put out a hand is very reasurring. If you are being criticised in your absence someone will defend you.

6. Having givers as friends means a life of pleasant surprises. You never know what will be given to you for no reason other than that you are loved. (OK I know that makes six but what the hey, I just felt like giving a little more)


Avoid these people like you would an unnecessary root canel. The first sign you are with a taker is that their conversation revolves around me me and me. No matter where the conversation goes they find a way to make it about themselves. They will use you and abuse you. They are self centered and immature . They believe that in order for them to succeed they need to take from others. These people are toxic to your happiness.


The fools are takers but don't know it. They may see themselves as givers but they suck the energy out of you. They may make you a supper but then they dump every morsel of their problems on your plate. These are people who as I said appear to be givers but are so negative that they are draining to be around.


The fakers are the ones that calculate that if they give they will get something back. They only give because they think it will gain them something now or down the road. They will fool you but mostly they fool themselves.

What if I haven't been a giver but I want to change?

The answer is simple...give until it feels good!

Monday, February 11, 2013

The only sustainable advantage in business

"The ability to create is the only sustainable advantage a business can have"
Most of us were raised to believe in the benefits of competition.  If we worked a little harder or did something a little bit better than the next guy, it would lead to some sort of victory or success.
I now believe we would be better served if we changed our focus from competition to creativity.   The end result would be that we become happier and more successful.   Less stress and more reward.
"Competition attempts to be like only a little better"
In competition we analyze our opponents and copy what we think works.  Then we try to do a little more or do it a little better.   That sounds logical but there is a major flaw in that strategy and flaw is that it breeds sameness.  
"The great achievers are focused on creativity"
Creativity leads to newness.   A new way of doing things and not just a slightly better way.  A totally new new product or service.    To create something is so much more satisfying.   It is exciting for you and your customers.  
"Competition is an outdated model that leads to modest gains"

Friday, February 8, 2013

3 incredible pieces of advice that don't make sense but make for success

Pssst....if you like this hit the f button below and share it with your facebook friends.  It will make us both happy!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

This will melt your heart and make you money!

"Cute sells"
When we see images of cute little puppies, kittens or babies it triggers a reaction in us that we can't control.  It causes us to be happier more protective creative and simply smarter.  It is natures way to create the feelings necessary to continue our species.   Young and defenseless images of cute innocent babies is just too hard to resist.
In one study it was even found that if you had a really cute baby image in your wallet you were twice as likely to have a lost wallet returned with all your cash and credit cards untouched.    So these images even create honesty in those who see them.  Hey maybe these types of images could reduce shop lifting?
Looking at these types of images causes people be calmer and happier.   So imagine if you were in some waiting room and surrounded by these cute images.   You would be much less likely to be upset about the wait. 
Cute and funny flood our systems with those feel good chemicals and hormones.   A happy customer is much more like to buy.
Viewing these type of images also cause us to be more relaxed and open to suggestions.   Can you imagine a boardroom with cute kittens puppies and kids?   That would take some courage to do but hey....whatever works.

Now ask yourself where could I use these images in my business and in my life?   Remember it will make your family happier too.   Dig out those cute pictures of your kids and brighten up the attitude around your home. 

Now don't you feel better?   Just remember....cute sells!